Moonflight: How to Drink Scotch

How to Drink Scotch

There is not a right or a wrong way to drink scotch, but there are some suggestions on how you can make the most enjoyable experience possible. How you enjoy it is a personal choice and may not coincide with other avid scotch drinkers. Try out a couple of these ideas to get a taste of which is best for you.

For many scotch drinkers, the glass they drink it from is the most important. A tumbler is traditional, but it is best only if you are drinking a beverage you are already familiar with. If you’re tasting a certain scotch for the first time, the tumbler will not do it justice. Drink it out of a tulip shaped glass at first. This allows it to be swirled without spilling, and the aromas can gather in the neck of the glass so it can be appreciated.

One way to drink scotch is to add water to it. Of course, this is personal taste. Many scotch drinkers who drink it neat do not want to add water out of fear of spoiling the taste. Others enjoy the drink and the flavors more when they are slightly diluted. It can bring out additional characteristics that are hidden when it is so strong. However, tap water usually contains chlorine that wouldn't complement the scotch. Invest in some bottled spring water if you drink it this way.

Another reason scotch drinkers add water is because too much of the straight flavor can numb the senses. Your nose and taste buds may become overpowered and reduce your enjoyment. Scotch experts would say that diluting the drink five to one is ideal. (That’s five parts whiskey; one part water.) However, as tastes differ, you may want to add more or less, or even none at all.

A controversial topic regarding scotch is that of adding ice. Adding ice to the drink will obviously lower the temperature, but what many people do not realize is that this also freezes the aroma. Subsequently, this dulls the overall taste of the scotch itself. Still, many people drink it with ice. If you’ve always had ice in their scotch, try it without just once. It will taste like drinking a completely different scotch.

Whether or not to add mixers is another touchy subject among scotch drinkers. While it is a popular trend, true lovers of scotch believe that anything but water covers up the actual taste. Soda, ginger ale, cola, and lemonade are the most popular mixers. If you enjoy your scotch mixed, do not change your favorite beverage for some unwritten rule. However, try it alone every once in a while to fully appreciate what makes your drink so special.

Scotch is considered a very classy drink. It is no wonder that people want to know the appropriate way to drink it. Don't be afraid to experiment with the amounts of water and different types of scotch. Have the guys over for a night of scotch tasting and poker to find your perfect drink.


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